Roulette is undeniably one of the most popular casino games in the world, holding a timeless appeal for gambling enthusiasts. From land-based roulettes to the latest modern online options, the game features simple gameplay yet offers the potential for big wins, making it a classic favorite in the gaming scene.
However, there’s more to the action-filled roulette table than you can imagine. There’s also a ton of fascinating facts surrounding the game that you’ve probably not heard about. So, if you are a fan of the game, dive in as we share some interesting facts that will surprise you.
The Roulette Game Dates Back Centuries
The first roulette game dates back over three centuries to 18th century France. The earliest mention of the game in its present form comes from a 1796 French novel, La Roulette, ou le Jour, by Jaques Lablee.
However, many historians credit Blaise Pascal, the genius French mathematician, physicist, and inventor, with the introduction of the primitive form of roulette. Interestingly, the invention was a happy accident that resulted from Pascal’s search for a perpetual motion machine in the 17th century.
Roulette is all About Luck
Compared to some casino games like blackjack and poker, roulette is based entirely on luck. Players have no control or influence on the roulette game. You simply put down your stake and wait for the wheel to stop spinning wherever the ball stops will determine whether or not you win.
What most experienced players do to gain an edge in this game is to use some kind of betting system, which involves increasing and reducing their stakes based on results. However, it’s important to note that roulette will always be a game of chance, no matter which betting strategy you utilize. You can click here to try your luck on the roulette game or any other exciting casino game of your choice.
Roulette is Popularly Known as the Devil’s Game
Do you know one of the nicknames for roulette is the “Devil’s Game?” Not to worry; no dark forces are working at the roulette table. The reason for this moniker is quite simple —adding up all the individual numbers on the roulette wheel from 1 to 36 sums up to “666”. This is infamously known as the “number of the beast,” associated with the devil. Whether by design or fluke, this eerie connection brings a mysterious and thrilling edge to the game.
A Man Once Stakes his Entire Life’s worth on a Single Roulette Spin
One of the craziest bets ever made in the gambling scene to date happened at the wheel of the roulette game. Ashley Revel is an English Entrepreneur who decided to stake it all on a single spin of the roulette wheel at a casino in Las Vegas in 2004.
Revel sold everything he had to his name, accumulating about $135,300. In a surprisingly daring move, he placed everything on red at the roulette wheel. As fate would have it, the ball stopped on Red Seven. That day, Revel walked away with a staggering $270,600 payout.
This was a wildly daring move that is unadvisable. While it worked out for Ashley Revel, it may lead to disastrous consequences for the next person who tries it out.
17 is the Most Bet Number in Roulette
Since roulette is about luck, most players often just pick their favorite or random numbers when playing. And “17” is, by far, the most popular number that gets attention at the roulette wheel, especially at brick-and-mortar casinos.
Interestingly, there’s no supernatural or outworldly connection to this number. The number’s popularity can be attributed to its position on the roulette wheel, making it instantly noticeable. The “17” pocket is located in the right-center position and is one of the first numbers any player will see while standing beside the wheel.
However, it’s important to note that the popularity of this number doesn’t translate to more winnings. Like any other number, the odds are the same.
Other Noteworthy Facts
Beyond the ones mentioned above, there are many other fascinating facts about the roulette game that you may not know. Below are some noteworthy ones.
- The ball and roulette wheel spin in opposite directions
- The European roulette offers better odds than the American counterpart
- Some of the earliest forms of the roulette ball were made from elephant tusk ivory
- The roulette game inspired the James Bond betting strategy
Whether it is the game’s long history or its link with the “devil,” we hope these interesting facts will make your experience more enjoyable the next time you play roulette.